Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Prospect v. Buffalo Grove

Prospect beat Buffalo Grove in December by 42-26. 1st Board; 2nd Board; 3rd Board; 4th Board; 5th Board; 6th Board; 7th Board; 8th Board.

I hope that none of the players will take offense at the bluntness of any of my comments. As my analysis was prepared based on my familiarity with the Prospect players, I may have sugar-coated my comments on their blunders in order to be encouraging while being more frank about their opponents' errors, particularly if the error was of a type that the Prospect player is himself prone to make. I apologize for any offense I may have given. Moreover, I can assure every player that for every bad move I point out in any of these games, I could find an equally bad move that I have made in one of my games (although I probably don't make as many of them in the same game).

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