Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chicago Open (3) -- I Don't Deserve Such Respect

In the third round, I played Michigan's 2006 representative to the national Denker tournament, Timothy Moroney. After sacrificing a knight for two connected passed central, I had reached the following position.

I thought my position was fine, but I was not at all sure how I was going to break Black's blockade. As a result, I was shocked when my opponent tipped over his king. Hart v. Moroney

After the game, I asked whether he really thought that his position wasn't worth playing. He said he felt that there was nothing he could do but wait to be squeezed to death. I suggested that he might feel differently if he had seen some of my other games.

Tim also scored finished 5-2 and we chatted after the tournament while waiting for our $40 checks. As luck would have it, his last round opponent had played a similar sacrifice to achieve passed central pawns. Taking my advice to heart, he fought that one out and won.

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